Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I just want to say thank you. Even though you tore out my heart and stomped on it, I didn't believe I could love anyone until I met you. So thank you for teaching me that love does exist.
I stil love you with every inch of my heart. I can't get you out of my mind. DAMN
I honestly don't know how to describe how I feel about you other than love.
I fell in love at you the first time I ever saw you. I saw you in my classroom. I love you. It doesn’t even matter that you will never love me back.
I used to believe we really were in love.
Now that means nothing. You always had your eyes on another girl, but I believed you still loved me. We’re done now, and you told me it’s because of different reasons. Now you’re with that girl, and act like you don’t care about me AT ALL. I can’t stand to see you any longer.
I just wish we would stop all the bullshit. End all of our stubborn thoughts! And actually say what we mean! REALLY, I'm tired of it all!
You won’t read this, and I probably won’t either, but here goes nothing. I'm in love with you, and I have been for a long time. but I'm afraid to wait for you this long. We both know that we can do it, you just have to trust me. You say you do, but it’s time to grab my hand and jump.
You just keep me hanging on.
Time and again, you tell me how much in love you are with your girlfriend. I sometimes wonder if you hate me and are doing this on purpose and are just trying to hurt me. I honestly don’t know what it’s going to solve, but maybe ust let you have the satisfaction of breaking a young girl’s heart.
I'm feeling worse and worse each day and I can't tell him.
I keep making him believe that things are getting better. Every day things get worse. I really don’t know what to do . I’m so unhappy. Why can’t he notice?

I keep updating my twitter status. I want you to notice me so bad.
You broke up with me. I liked you a lot, it hurt. We got back together. But now, you want to break up AGAIN with me. To be honest, I hope we do break up. I'm not so sure about us anymore, and I don't know if I can trust you
Seeing you today made me realize how much greater you are than I could ever be. But I love how you are completely oblivious. I need someone like you in my life, especially now.
I don't want to be your best friend anymore for the fact that later on in life, we won't be best friends & that KILLS me. Since you graduated, it hurts that i won't be able to talk to you when ever I can

bye xoxo :*

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