Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I try to play this game, I know this game from Dessy's blog.
And the results is: (maaf ada yg gue sensor karena jawabannya -__-)

I'm sorry :')

Dear Brain:
I'm sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him :'(

Dear Tummy:
I'm sorry for all the butterflies.

Dear Pillow:
I'm sorry for all the tears.

Dear Heart:
I'm so sorry for all the damage

Dear Eyes:
I'm sorry when you must seems like mashimaroo

Dear Ears:
Sorry, for everything you must hear about him

Dear Mouth:
I'm sorry for all things that I talk about him

and Dear MySelf:
I'm sorry for all stupid things that I can do for him, I know I'm so stupid like this and that. Forgive me :'(


aku dapat ini dari Nabilla

-My Type-
1. brown hair | black hair | blonde hair | red hair
2. tall | short | same height as you
3. ear piercings | eyebrow piercings | snake bites | no piercings | other
4. tattoos | no tattoos | idgaf
5. skater | punk | player | indie | cowboy | musician | prep | jock | other
6. shy | outgoing | in between
7. mellow | hyper | loud | quiet
8. blue eyes | brown eyes | green eyes
9. wears tight jeans | wears normal jeans | other
10. converse | vans | nikes | skate shoes | other
11. listens to: metal | rap | indie | classic rock | country | all | other
12. compliments too much | compliments when necessary
13. jokes around all the time | jokes when necessary
14. sensitive | hides emotion | acts tough
15. hobbies: computer | music | skating | sports | drawing | fishing | other
16. loves to hold | loves to be held
17. tons of muscles | fit | skinny | chubby
18. pale | average | tan | dark
19. cusses a lot | never cusses | moderatly cusses | only cusses around friends | who even gives a fuck
20. wavy hair | curly hair | straight hair | long hair | longish hair | short hair


I can't promise you a perfect relationship. I can't promise you we'll never fight. I can't promise you I won't get jealous. But I can promise you it will be worth it. I can promise you I will make you happy. I will make you proud to say I'm your girl. & I can promise you a good time every time we're together. Just keep your word & I'll keep mine. Promise.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


oke, gue mau spamming di blog gue yee, hahahaha.
soalnya gue keseringan spamming dimana-mana, apalagi twitter --"
ini gue juga gue baru ada ide kemarin malem, gatau kenapa gue pengen aja nulis kaya gini.
ini juga gue ngambil dari tweets gue, hm gue nulis di blog karena gue ga bisa nulis semua di twitter.
oke, cek cek!

pertama = Melupakan
pertanyaan yg paling sering di denger tentang ngelupain adalah "gimana lo bisa lupain orang yang udah ngasih lo banyak buat diinget?"
kalo menurut gue, jangan nyoba lupain orang yg pernah lo sayang atau apalah. it's NEVER working. percaya sama gue, mau lo nyoba kaya apa juga. lo awalnya pasti mikir gini kan "ah gue bisa lupain dia, gue bisa, dia aja bisa kenapa gue ngga?". dan awalnya pasti lo nyoba kan ngelupain, contohnya semua hal yg berhubungan dengan 'dia' lo ga pernah liat, foto, semua hal yg bisa bikin lo gabisa lupa sama dia lo jauhin. awalnya pasti lo fine lo mikir "udah ngga ada yg ngingetin gue sama dia". hey inget! bukan berarti 'dia' yg lo maksud itu mati, lo masih bisa liat dia, saat lo liat dia lo apa? sedih kan, terus lo liat lagi foto, lo ambil lagi hal-hal yg ngingetin tentang dia. see? usaha lo sia-sia banget kan? padahal lo udah susah payah. semakin keras lo usaha ngelupain, semakin lo ngga bisa ngelupain. honestly, gue juga kaya gitu, dan yeah kaya tadi gue bilang 'it's NOT working'. ga ada hasilnya sama sekali, gue malah keinget. saran gue, udah cukup lo jalanin aja, just let it flow. masa lalu bukan buat dinangisin, walaupun kadang masa lalu itu nyakitin. ngga ada salahnya kok lo nginget seseorang di masa lalu, tp jangan lo stuck di 1 orang itu. oke? :)

kedua = Perubahan
dalam tiap relationship, entah itu pacaran atau temenan pasti ada saatnya bilang "lo berubah". perubahan itu bukan hal yg nakutin kok, karena gue yakin semua orang pasti berubah kan? gamungkin lo hidup cuma stuck 1 tempat kan? lo pasti berubah. tapi ada perubahan negatif dan positif, perubahan itu belum tentu selalu ke arah negatif lho ya, dan belum tentu tergantung lingkungan lo, bisa karena diri lo sendiri. contoh simple: kalau lingkungan lo semua ngerokok, apa lo harus ngerokok? ngga kan. tergantung lo-nya, mau ikut ngerokok atau tetap sama pendirian lo. pengaruh-pengaruh dari orang luar tuh pasti banyak banget kan? tinggal lo nyikapinnya gimana. Perubahan itu kadang lo sendiri ngga nyadar kalo lo berubah, tapi orang lain. emang ini hidup lo, lo yg ngejalanin, lo yg akan terima akibat atas semua yg lo lakuin. tapi inget lo hidup itu ngga sendiri guys. dan yg penting nih. jangan nyuruh orang berubah kalo lo sendiri juga ga bener, sebelum ngerubah orang lo harus liat dulu diri lo, mau lo nanti orang yg pengen lo rubah bilang "dia aja ngga bener, kenapa gue harus?". iya kan? dan hal yg lain yg paling sering gue denger adalah "gue lebih suka lo yg dulu, yg blablabla, lo yg sekarang tuh beda blablabla" tadi gue udah bilang, kita tuh pasti berubah, ga mungkin lo hidup stuck. tp yg ngeliat perubahan lo itu orang lain, sometimes ada kok hal" yg ngga perlu kita rubah :)

ketiga = Janji
disini gue mau ngebahas tentang 'janji dari cowok ke cewek'
pernah denger ga ada yg bilang "janji itu dibuat buat dilanggar"? dan itu menurut gue kebanyakan orang kaya gitu. oke langsung ke topik.
janji ke cowok buat cewek, pasti banyak kan? dan kita para cewek, kebanyakan pasti percaya kan sama janji janji itu? ada saat gini, cowok janji ke kita untuk ngga ngelakuin hal yg cewek ga suka, contohnya rokok. oke itu awalnya pasti bilang kan 'iya aku janji ga ngerokok'. lo percaya dong? sekali dia ngingkarin janji, lo apa? lo nangis! tapi apa? lo maafin. kedua kali dia ngelanggar janji, lo kesel pasti, tapi lo maafin. ketiga kali dia ngingkarin janji, apa harus lo maafin juga? menurut gue NGGAK! karena lo tau apa? kalo lo maafin dia terus"an dia bakal ngelunjak, dia bakal mikir lo tuh lemah, padahal lo tuh ngga. gue yakin semua cewek tuh ngga ada yg lemah. pernah ga sih lo capek denger janji-janji? hey many guys out there, kita ga butuh janji, kita butuh BUKTI. oh ya satu lagi, cowok yg bener itu pasti bakal ngakuin kesalahan dia, dengan gentle. bukan bilang 'aku ngga kok' pake demi demi segala. halah basi tau ga cara lo, harusnya lo tuh ngakuin salah lo, seenggaknya dengan cara itu nandain lo tuh cowok, bukan banci.

keempat = Kerelaan
pernah lo mikir gini "gue rela kok liat dia sama orang lain"
lo tau ga? semakin lo mikir gitu, semakin lo boongin perasaan lo sendiri, semakin lo nyakitin diri sendiri. pasti dalam hati lo, lo ga rela kan? lo maunya dia sama lo, bukan sama dia. jujur pasti lo mikir gitu.
intinya lo tuh ngga rela, intinya lo tuh ga suka, lo ga mau.
gini deh, andaikan lo liat orang yg lo suka/sayang jalan sama orang lain, cewek/cowok lain, apa lo ga envy? pasti lo kesel, lo sedih, lo bilang dalam hati 'kenapa bukan gue?'
lo juga pasti mau kan, dan menurut gue, lo semua ga harus kok bilang rela kalau sebenernya lo nggak. bilang atau cerita ke sahabat atau nyokap lo. mereka pasti tau hal yg baik, lo harus gimana, ngga perlu lo keliatan kuat bilang rela padahal nyatanya ngga. inget semakin lo boongin perasaan lo sendiri, semakin lo tersiksa dan nyakitin diri lo sendiri. apa dia tau kalo lo sakit? ngga kan, dia ngga tau. jadi buat apa lo nyakitin diri sendiri kalo akhirnya dia juga ga peduli sama lo?

terakhir = Pilihan
Hidup itu pilihan, baik apa buruk. kanan apa kiri, jelek apa bagus.
jangan mikir lo bisa 22nya, karena pasti ada yg disakitin.
andai lo disuruh milih 2 pilhan yang berat, yg lo ngga bisa milih, lo mau gimana? sedangkan kalo lo ga milih itu bakal nyakitin banyak orang.
inget guys, di dunia ini lo ga bisa dapetin semua yg lo mau, lo harus milih.
dan menurut gue, kalo lo milih, dengerin kata hati lo. percaya atau ngga itu pilihan yang terbaik buat lo.
dengerin pendapat orang lain ngga ada salahnya kok, tp inget orang lain tuh cuma pendapat, cuma saran, tapi keputusan 100% ada di tangan lo. lo gabisa selamanya terus denger kata orang, ini hidup lo, lo tau yg mana pilihan lo, mana jalan lo. karena nanti lo yang nanggung akibatnya. inget, belum tentu kalo lo ngikutin kata orang, baik buat orang lain tapi ngga baik buat lo. jadi menurut gue sih denger saran orang lain, tapi lakuin pilihan lo.

oke segitu aja deh, panjang banget ye :p
yg gue tulis tuh no-offense ya, so maaf kalo ada yg tersinggung, gue cuma mau share :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up: if a boy punches you he likes you, never try to trim your own bangs, and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. every movie we see, every story we're told implores us to wait for it: the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. but sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. how to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. and maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. maybe the happy ending is just moving on. or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment... you never gave up hope.
-He's Just Not That Into You-

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I guess its over.I'll no longer have you by my side to hold my hand.You'll never again kiss me with such passion,like you had in the past.Not anymore,do I get to hug you goodbye.You're still my true love-but this is me letting you pass me by

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I want to share some posts on my tumblr tashabcd , enjoy it ♥

(reblogged via inezkusuma)

stranger: ‘if you only got one word to say to your special someone, what would you say?’
me: ‘i’ll say, thanks
stranger: ‘what for?’
me: ‘thanks for hurting me, thanks for giving me empty hopes, thanks for making me jealous, thanks for the shit you’ve done to me. BUT, thanks for making me smile everyday, thanks for making me laugh, thanks for being such a good friend, thanks for being there, thanks for everything, every single thing that you’ve done for me :)’ (reblogged via ddiras)

I hate to say it but I’m done. Now I’m all alone, thinking of our final goodbye. It wasn’t a lie, I did love you (reblogged via asridamayanti)

Girl: your new girlfriend is pretty. (I bet she stole your heart)
Boy: yeah... she is. (but you're still the most beautiful girl I know)
Girl: I heard she's funny an amazing. (all the stuff I wasn't)
Boy: she sure is. (but she's nothing compared to you)
Girl: I bet you know everything about her by now. (like how you knew just everything about me)
Boy: only the stuff that count. (I can't remember what she says when I think of you)
Girl: well..... I hope you guys last. (cause we never did)
Boy: I hope we do, too. (what happened to me and you?)
Girl: Well, I have to go. (before I start to cry)
Boy: yeah, me too. (I hope you don't cry)
Girl: Bye (I still love you)
Boy: Later (I never stopped)
(reblogged via hayomimew)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


"Nimo ngga tau kalo gue ngga bisa lupain dia! dan gue ngga mau kehilangan dia lin"

Never Gonna Let You Go

Never Gonna Let You Go - Tamia
I don't even know the reason why
You tell me that it's time to say goodbye, yeah
You can't even look me in my eyes
Did I do somethin' wrong?
If you tell me that the love is gone
I'll move over and I''ll let you move on, yeah
But I know that the love is still strong
So I keep holdin' on, so

Oh, I'm never gonna let you go
Even though it's breakin' my heart
All I'm tryin' to do is let you know
We can make a new start
So I'm never gonna let you go
Even though it's tearin' me apart
All I'm tryin' to do is let you know
We can make a new start

I remember back when we first met
The kind of love that you'd never forget
Makin' love 'till we were soakin' wet
And you're still on my mind, oh

After all the things that we've been through
You gotta give me time to talk to you
That's the very least that you can do
We can work it out with time, so

Repeat 1

Whatever you want, I'll make it right
Whatever you need, I will provide

I really want
You in my life
We can make a new start

Wherever you are, I will be there
The love that I give, none can compare
All that I have, I'll gladly share

We can make a new start