lama ya gue ga ngurusin lo, mau gue ganti apa-apa, mau gue rombak gitu maksudnya malah males he --"
oke gue kembali menulis bukan untuk ngomongin kaya ginian, but it's about "how-i-feel-in-high-school"
yak you know :( i'm tired.
tired of high school, damn tired.
exam, lessons, the teachers. so many things i hate about my school.
TAPI.... sekolah gue ada hal menyenangkannya kok.
yap, my class x.5, my 29, my ospek, my bestfriend, my new bestfriends, ALL my new friends and you.
tapi gue capek, capek di sma;(
ga ada waktu bebas, ga ada waktu main, harus belajar dan belajar.
please, gue mau pindah.
high school killing me slowly but sure.
now i've trouble, big trouble in hs. makes me wanna die, and always cry.
i hate crying.... but my tears always come down when i think about it.
my friends always said "you're strong girl tash!"
no.... i'm not strong enough like you think guys.
gue nangis, gue sedih, gue takut, gue bingung mau ngapain.
better i'm move kali ya.
yes move, move to heaven